Dharmapala Thangka CentreSchool of Thangka Painting

Restaurierung / Konservierung alter Thangkas

Avalokiteshvara Thangka

Before Conservation After Conservation Before - After [1] Before - After [2] Before - After [3]

In order to preserve the old character of the thangkas we normally do not restore them completely. Therefore, it is necessary that as many as possible original parts of the surface have been preserved undamaged .

Unfortunately, this was not the case with this heavily damaged Avalokiteshvara thangka. It therefore had to be completely repainted the entire image. Using the original colors, it was restored very precisely. However, after the completion of the restoration, it can still be seen that it is an old scroll painting.

High resolution: Comparisation Old & New [0.5 MB, 1461 x 933 px.]