Dharmapala Thangka CentreTibetan Antiques

Vajrapani Tsa Tsa Mold

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This ancient Tsa Tsa mold was used to make tsa tsas of the Bodhisattva Vajrapani. Many people thought that [due to his teriffic image] Vajrapani belongs to the groups of Dharmapalas [protectors of the Buddhist doctrine]. Actual Vajrapani belongs to the category of Bodhisattvas.

Vajrapāṇi [Tibetan: ཕྱག་ན་རྡོ་རྗེ། Chagna Dorje - meaning: Vajra in his hand] is one of the earliest appearing bodhisattvas in Mahayana Buddhism. He is the protector and guide of Gautama Buddha and rose to symbolize the Buddha's power. Vajrapani is a famous celestial Bodhisattva, he represents the concentrated power of all Buddhas. He is a complex deity with various forms. He is most frequently encountered in his fierce emanation, in which he is a powerful protector and remover of obstacles.

Vajrapāni is also called Chagna Dorje and extensively represented in Buddhist iconography as one of the earliest three protective deities or bodhisattvas surrounding the Buddha. Each of them symbolizes one of the Buddha's virtues: Manjushri manifests all the Buddhas' wisdom, Avalokiteśvara manifests all the Buddhas' immense compassion, and Vajrapāni protects Buddha and manifests all the Buddhas' power as well as the power of all five tathāgatas [Buddhahood of the rank of Buddha].

Vajrapani is standing on a single layered lotus throne. You can see that the mold has been used for many years. The original sharpness has worn off somewhat. However, the figure of Vajrapani is clearly visible. In order to identify the image of the Tsa Tsa created by this stamp, the second image in the photo overview shows a reversed image.

Selection of Vajrapani Tsa Tsas

Measurements: 7,3 x 6,2 x 2,5
Price: 165 $ | 160 €
Shipment: Parcel Service from Germany
Material: Metal
Weight: 0.4 lbs. | 177 gram
Age: Age: 18th cent.
High resolution: Display [0.7 MB, 1902 x 2173 px.]
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