Tsa Tsas of the Buddha Vajrasattva were made with this ancient Tsa Tsa mold.
Vajrasattva [Skrt., literally: »diamond being«, Tib.: »dorje sempa« རྡོ་རྗེ་སེམས་དཔའ།] stands for the highest, diamond, uncreated nature. His name means »whose nature is the vajra« [tib. »dorje«]. He always wears the five-pointed crown of the ruler over the laws of nature. With his right [= male] hand he holds the thunderbolt [=vajra] in front of his chest, the left [= female] hand rests on his thigh and holds the bell [Sanskrit: »ghanta«, Tib.: »dril bu«] turned inwards.
His attribute of the vajra symbolizes the indestructible and eternal absolute, the bell symbolizes impermanence, because the world of appearances is impermanent like the sound of a bell. Vajrasattva embodies the ability to remove mental defilements of all kinds, especially the neglected duties towards the teacher and one's own spiritual development.
It is easy to recognize that he holds the thunderbolt sceptre [vajra / dorje] in front of his chest with his right [= male] hand. What is less clear in this relatively small form is that the left [= female] hand rests on the thigh and holds the bell [Sanskrit: “ghanta”, Tib.: “dril bu”] turned inwards.
The round handle has a small hole at the end. The mold could be attached to the owner's clothing with a leather or cloth strap pulled through it.
The condition of the mold is excellent, there are no scratches or missing parts. Only the engravings on the mold surface are somewhat worn due to years of use, but this is hardly noticeable. The clay used to make the Tsa Tsas has left some dark residue in the depths of the mold.
The age is difficult to estimate, but to avoid incorrect information it is given as »20th century«. However, it is also possible that the mold is older.
Property | Value |
Measurements: | 1.1 x 1 x 0.9" | 2.9 x 2.6 x 2.3 cm |
Price: | 46 $ | 45 € |
Shipment: | Parcel Service from Germany |
Material: | Brass |
Age: | Age: 20th cent. |
High resolution: | Display [0.7 MB, 1902 x 217e px.] |
Inquiry / Order |