Dharmapala Thangka CentreTibetan Antiques

Three Long-Life Deities [2]

Amitayus, White Tara and Ushnishavijaya

Age, illness and death are events that touch all people and often raise the question of one's own fate. In case of serious illness or in the face of death, the Tibetans turn above all to the »Three Deities of Long Life« [Tib.: »Tsel lha tsah nam sum«].

This Tsa Tsa shows these three deities: Buddha Amitayus [Tib.: »Tsepakme« - immeasurable life] above, Ushnishavijaya [Tib.: »Namgyalma«] on the right, and White Tara [Tib.: »drol ma kar moon«] on the left. Amitayus carries in his hands the Amrta vessel [Skt. »Kalasha«]. Ushnishavijaya carries the same vessel in her upper left hand - not visible here. The white tara shows the gesture of »munificence«. Between Ushnishavijaya and the White Tara a stupa / tchörten is depicted.

The three are revered for their ability to grant longevity, healing and purification from negative karma.

The tsa tsas was consecrated. Remnants of the red powder used in the consecration ceremony can still be seen in many places on the surface.

It is difficult to determine the age of this Tsa Tsa because the style of this Tsa Tsa has changed little over time. This motif exists both from the present day and from several hundred years ago.

There are still uncertainties about the age of this Tsa Tsa. Due to these uncertainties, no age has been given. Even a rough estimate would not be justified.

Mold for making of a similar tsa tsa

Measurements: 4.3 x 3.4 x 1.3" | 10.9 x 8.7 x 3.2 cm
Price: 170 $ | 165 €
Shipment: Parcel Service from Germany
Material: Burned Clay
Age: Unknown
Origin: Nepal
High resolution: Display [1.3 MB, 2263 x 2703 px.]
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