Dharmapala Thangka CentreTibetan Antiques

Ninefold Amitayus-Mandala Tsa Tsa

- Jetari Tradition -

Round tsa-tsa depicting the core of the Amitayus mandala according to the tradition of the Indian Acarya Jetari.

Acarya Jetari [ca. 950 - 1000] was a very prominent Indian teacher. He influenced Tibetan thought to a considerable degree and all his books on Tantra and Sutra were translated into Tibetan.

Eight identical deities are depicted around the central Amitayus in his usual iconographic representation.

Amitayus [Tib.: »Ce-dpag-med« སངས་རྒྱས་ཚེ་དཔག་མེད།], the Buddha of limitless life, is a secondary form of the »Tathagata« [or »Dhyani«] Buddha Amitabha. The two differ in that Amitayus wears a fivefold Buddha crown whereas Amitabha is uncrowned. As heads of the Padma Buddha family, they are the spiritual sources from which the compassionate Buddhisattvas Avalokiteshvara and Tara arise.

In his hands clasped in the meditation gesture [»dhyâna mudra«], Amitayus holds a water vessel [Sanskrit: »kala-sa«, Tib.: »c'um bum-pa«] with a stylised tree of life. The vessel contains »Amrta«, which means both »nectar« and »immortality«. A flowering branch of Ashoka grows out of the vessel. This branch symbolises the sacred flowering of the unfolding spiritual-meditative life.

Amitayus resides in »Sukhavati«, the »Western Paradise«, where those who seek his blessing can be reborn. Rebirth in Sukhavati, where conditions are ideal for attaining enlightenment, is achieved through personal merit and faith in Amitayus.

Origin: Mustang - North Nepal at the Tibetan border

Measurements: 3.5 x 3.4 x 0.5" | 8.9 x 8.6 x 1.3 cm
Price: 283 $ | 275 €
High resolution: Display [1.3 MB, 2472 x 2511 px.]
Shipment: Parcel Service from Germany
Material: Burned Clay
Age: 18th cent.
Origin: Mustang - North Nepal
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