Dharmapala Thangka CentreTibetan Antiques

Medical Buddha Bhaisajyaguru Tsa Tsa

This Tsa Tsa shows in the center the Buddha of Medicine Bhaisajyaguru in center.

All Buddhas are standing on a single layered lotus throne. The signs of age and the small size of the Buddha representations makes a secure determination difficult in the case of three illustrations. Therefore a question mark »?« is added after the name in these cases.

01. Bhaisajyaguru02. Moon
03. Avalokiteshvara04. Sun
06. Medical Buddha ?07. Medical Buddha ?
08. Amitabha09. Tchörten or Stupa
09. Medical Buddha ?10. Akshobhya
11. Medical Buddha ?12. Medical Buddha
13. Vairocana14. Avalokiteshvara

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