Dharmapala Thangka CentreAsian Antiques

Burmese Buddha

Mandalay Style

The origin of this Buddha statue is not in Tibet but in Myanmar [the former Burma]

Buddhism was established in Myanmar around 500 CE centuries after the Buddha’s demise in India. The faith was likely brought to Myanmar by Indian monks and traders during their interactions with local kingdoms.

Buddhism developed locally in Myanmar, reflecting indigenous interpretations of Buddhist texts brought from South Asia. This includes the different style of Buddha statues compared to the Tibetan Buddha representations. This statue is made of burned clay and belongs to the Mandalay style.

The statue was originally partially gilded and painted red. In some places you can still see some golden and red remains of it. The figure has a superficial small tear [see 4th detail shot] on the right shoulder, otherwise good used condition with signs of age.

This statue was made from terracotta. Mostly statues from Burma are from wood, bronze or marble. Clay or terracotta statues are very rare.

Myanmar Marble Buddha

marble buddha Typical Myanmar Buddha made by marble.

Marble blocks are carefully carved into Buddha images of different styles and sent to Buddhist monasteries all around Burma.

Nowadays more work is done by machines, but in the past everything was done by hand.

Myanmar Wooden Buddha

wooden buddha Typical Myanmar Buddha made by wood

Typical Myanmar Buddha made of wood. The best quality wooden Buddha statues are made of teak wood.

Woodcarvings from Buddha statues can only be made according very strict rules and according ancient traditions.

Many traditional woodcarvers start to learn their profession at a very jong age. As a child they work around temples, pagodas and in the workshop of their father.

Measurements: 6.7 x 5.7 x 3.9" | 17 x 14.5 x 10 cm
Price: 348 $ | 310 €
Shipment: Parcel Service from Germany
Material: Terrakotta
Age: 19th cent.
High resolution: Display [119 kB, 786 x 1026 px.]
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