Dharmapala Thangka CentreTibetan Antiques

Kalachakra Gau

Buddhist Amulet Box

Large Kalachakra Gau Side View Bottom with five lotos leaves Sun and Moon Symbol on Top Back Open Gau

Large Antique Tibetan Copper Gau with silvergildet Kalachakra Symbol

This old Gau is an extraordinarily attractive specimen with that the age for a very beautiful patina provided. Seven of the »Eight Lucky Symbols« are depicted on the edge [clockwise starting from the bottom left]: Infinite Knot, Lotus Flower, Two Golden Fish, Umbrella, Right-turning Shell, Water of Life Vessel and Banner of Victory. The wheel of Dharma is not depicted.

At the top a small turquoise bead is embedded inside the sun symbol. At the lower end you can see five lotus flowers pointing upwards forming a lotus throne. On the right and left side there are hanging holes for cords to attach them to the owner's clothing.

It is a long worn piece with one or two dents, which are common with Gaus of this size and age. They were often worn as portable shrines and could house small statues and relics.

In search of valuable contents, gaus were opened after the Chinese occupation of Tibet from 1950. As with most gaus still in existence today, the filling has been lost as a result, this gau is also empty.

Condition: Mostly very good with patina and weathering commensurate with age.

More about Kalachakra Mantra ...

Measurements: 5.3 x 4.4 x 1.9" | 13.5 x 11.2 x 4.8 cm
Price: 242 $ | 235 €
Color: Light Braun
Material: Copper - partly Silvergildet
Age: Early 20th cent.
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