Dharmapala Thangka CentreSchool of Thangka Painting

The twenty-one forms of Tara according to the Nyingma tradition

1. Khadiravani Tara 2. Mahashanti Tara 3. Mangalaloka Tara 4. Sukha Sadana Tara 5. Pravir Tara 6. Duhkha Dahana Tara 7. Kanakavarna Tara 8. Samkusumita Tara 9. Varadana Tara 10 Varada Tara 11. Jikten Sumgyal Tara 12. Yangchenma Tara 13. Tashi Dönch&eacute Tara 14. Yangchenma Tara 15. Drapung Jomma Tara 16. Raga Nisudana Tara 17. Paripacaka Tara 18. Candra Kanti Gauri Tara 19. Apadavimocani Tara 20. Siddhi Sambhava Tara 21. Jikten Sumgyal Tara

This praise of the Tara has been translated into Tibetan from so many different Indian dialects that there are different names of the twenty-one Taras in the four different traditions [Sakya, Nyingma, Gelug or Kagyu].

Praises to the Twenty-One Taras is a traditional prayer in Tibetan Buddhism to the female Bodhisattva Tara also known as Ārya Tārā, or Jetsun Dolma. It appears in the Derge Kangyur as «Offering Praise to Tara through Twenty-One [verses] of Homage»

Each of the twenty-one emanations of Tara has her own name, and a specific mantra with which she is associated, offering protection from various types of fears, harm, and calamities.

The overview published here shows the names of the Nyingma tradition.