Dharmapala Thangka CentreSchool of Thangka Painting

10.8 Milarepa

Scenes of his Life

Full  View 1. Milarepa has a dream 2. Milarepa tells his dream to his teacher 3. Milarepas dream: four animals on for pillars, a tiger, a lion, an eagle, and a vulture with his chick 4. The dream is explained by Marpa to his scholars in a song. The four animals are the four chief pupils, and Milarepa is the vulture with the young one, the successor with a progeny. 5. During the Nairatmya meditation Marpa decides to tell his students the lessons and practices which are suitable for any of them best. 6. The next day Marpa interprets his observations and explained to them, on which practice they should focus in future 7. When meditating in his copper-cave Milarepa dreams about his dilapidated homestead and his mother 8. In the morning he tells Marpa about his dream. At the same moment Marpas wife Dakmema is bringing him his breakfast 9. Marpa initiates Mila into the Dakini tradition 10. Marpa assured Milarepa that he has conferred all instructions on him without exception, to falsify anything without 11. During a Tsok Offering Marpa manifested the yidams 12. Milarepa stays the last night in the room of Marpa 13. Milarepa was accompanied on his first path 14. During the Tsok practice Mila formally asks in a song, to be able to say goodbye. Marpa replied likewise in a song. 15. Dagmema gives him the last oblation wine in a skull cup. Farewell songs are exchanged 16. Mila throws himself in front of his Lama and his wife down before he leaves. 17. According to Marpa's counsel Milarepa first go to see Ngokpa. They exchange experience and knowledge 18. Mila proceeds to his former homestead 19. Mila meets some herdsmen and he asks for news of his homestead. What he is told makes him sad and he mourns 20. He stays alone until sunrise 21. He finds his former house in ruins, and his mother's remains still inside. He meditates on her bones. Gathering up her bones and the books left in the house he goes to his former teachers place. 22. He goes to his former teachers place with the Ratnakuta sutra book on his back to prepare a reliquary container his deceased mother. 23. The son of his former teacher helps him to prepare a reliquary container his deceased mother 24. Milarepa stays overnight and he talked about 'old times' with his host and his wife

This sophisticated and elegant painting comes from a famous series of nineteen Thangkas on the life of Milarepa obtained in Beijing in 930 by the Sven Hedin expedition.

Measurements: 23.6 x 36.2" | 60 x 92 cm
Price: on request
Shipment: Parcel Service from Germany or Nepal
Color: Color Version
Material: Natural Stone Colors