Dharmapala Thangka CentreSchool of Thangka Painting

5.40 Chakrasamvara [4]

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This Thangka shows the deity Chakrasamvara. Chakrasamvara is the main deity of Samhara. He is also regarded as manifestation of Hevajra who is the central figure of an esoteric cul, the Vajrayana Buddhismm. Vajravarahi is his consort embracing in the mystic yab yum position. Their embrace symbolises union between wisdom and method which leads ultimate bliss.

Chakrasamvara belongs to the Heruka family of the Anuttara Yoga Tantra. Following his meditational path will the practitioner to the bliss of supreme enlightenment. There are many sadhanas describing the religious practices of Chakrasamvara.

Western scholars have become accustomed to call this deity Samvara or Chakrasamvara, but the Tibetans always prefer bDe-mchog, which translates the Sopreme Bliss [Paramasukha] part of this name.

Black Background [1]

Color Version [2]

Color Version [4]

Measurements: 25.2 x 39" | 64 x 99 cm
Price: on request
Shipment: Parcel Service from Germany or Nepal
Color: Rotgrund
Material: Natural Stone Colors
High resolution: Display [5.0 MB, 1775 x 2580 px.]