Dharmapala Thangka CentreSchool of Thangka Painting

5.29 Begste

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The Dharma protector Begste originally was considered Lord of War in Central Asia, as indicated by his name, meaning "Copper Shirt of Mail", and his clothing. He was taken to be the son of a demon [yaksha] and a goblin [rakshasi]. Unlike some other protectors, Begste is reckoned as a lower protector because he did not achieve complete liberation; hence a Buddhist can not take refuge with him but can urge to perform the good work of protecting institutions and practitioners of the Dharma.

Begtse appears surrounded by flames and smoke, accompanied by his demoniac attendants, the Eight Knifeholders [gri-thog], ho cut corpses to pieces on the battlefield. In warrior posture [pratya-lidha] he tramples the carcass of a horse and he corpse of a man. The dark lotus on which they lie is covered with a lake of blood.

Begste is of compact appearance; his red face look furious and he wears a richly embellished cuirass and Mongolian boots. With is right hand he swings a sword of his left arm he holds a bow and arrow and a spear with a banner. His left hand holds a human heart near his mouth so h can devour it with his boarlike fangs. He is attended by Sogdag [left] riding a wolf and his man-eating, red faced sister Dongmarma [right].

The upper scene indicates the origin of the painting; it shows four hierarchs of the Geluk Order sitting around the red Amitabha.

The Thangka in its gloomy, agitated atmosphere is not specially painted for meditation, but rather projects destruction an death. Its function is nit to inspire the fear and dread but to warn about lost, senseless live an to appeal for liberation from hatred and passion. In Tibet Begste is no longer worshiped as Lord of war, but as Mediator of Peace.

Source : G.W. Essen and T.T. Thingo

Measurements: 13.8 x 18.9" | 35 x 48 cm
Price: on request
Shipment: Parcel Service from Germany or Nepal
Color: Black Background
Material: Natural Stone Colors