Dharmapala Thangka CentreSchool of Thangka Painting

7.35 Vimalosnisa Mandala

Category of Ngor Thangkas

Full View Detail 1 Detail 2: Red Buddha Amitabha Detail 3: ? Detail 4 Detail 5:  Very similar depiction with hell in the »Buddhist wheel of life« Detail 6: ? Detail 7 Detail 8 Detail 9 Workshop Photo

The Vimalosnisa mandala belongs to the category of Ngor Thangkas.

The Central deity is Thub dbang [Tib.: thub pa'i dbang po]. He has 3 Faces, 8 Arms and 2 Legs. It is also a manifestation of Buddha Amitayus. Amitayus is believed as a crowned manifestation of Dhyani-Buddha Amitabha in his character of bestowal of longevity. He is therefore a very popular divinity, and one sees many images and paintings in Buddhist monasteries.

Tibetan oral traditions also take »thub pa« as referring to one who has overcome the enemy that is the afflictive emotions. Many translators render muni as »sage« or »subduer« because it conveys the sense of conquest that the term has in Tibetan, for »thub pa« means»able«, with a sense of being able to overcome someone else.

»Śākya«, the name of this Buddha's clan, also means »able« or »potent«, this probably being the reason why the name »Śākyamuni« was translated into Tibetan as »śākya thub pa«, with the first part of the compound in transliterated Sanskrit and the second in Tibetan. The term »dbang po« means »supreme one«, »powerful one«, »lord«, and more loosely »king«; Sākyamuni is depicted as the supreme among Subduers. *]

One scene in the lower section of the scroll painting is very similar to the representation of hell in the »Buddhist Wheel of Life».

*] Source: Buddhist Door

Measurements: 17.3 x 26.4" | 44 x 67 cm
Price: on request
Shipment: Parcel Service from Germany or Nepal
Color: Color Version
Material: Natural Stone Colors
High resolution: Display [1.1 MB, 1433 x 2112 px.]