Dharmapala Thangka CentreSchool of Thangka Painting

3.66 Vairocana Mandala [6]

Full View Center 1. Vairocana - 2. Visvabhu  - 3. Vajrasattva - 4. Amogasidhhi - 5. Dasagriva Vairocana and two Akshobhyas below Amogasiddhi Amitabha Detail 5 Detail 6

Buddha Vairochana in Tibetan is called 'Namnang', meaning 'The illuminator.' He stands in the center of the five Tathaghata Buddhas [also called "Dhyani Buddhas"].

Vairochana displays the Dharmachakra mudra. Dharmachakra in Sanskrit means the 'Wheel of Dharma'. This mudra symbolizes one of the most important moments in the historical life of the Buddha, the occasion when he preached to his companions the first sermon after his Enlightenment in the Deer Park at Sarnath. It thus denotes the setting into motion of the Wheel of the teaching of the Dharma.

As a dhyani or wisdom buddha, Vairocana is associated with the color white - all colors of light blended together - and space, as well as the skandha of form. His symbol is the dharma wheel. He often is depicted with his hands in the dharmachakra mudra. When the Dhyani Buddhas are pictured together in a mandala, Vairocana is in the center.

The names of the Buddhas are given below the detailed photos.

Special features of gold background thangkas

Measurements: 17.3 x 26" | 44 x 66 cm
Price: on request
Shipment: Parcel Service from Germany or Nepal
Color: Goldbackground Version
Material: Natural Stone Colors
High resolution: Display [2.3 MB, 2218 x 2273 px.]