Dharmapala Thangka CentreSchool of Thangka Painting

2.59 Thousand White Taras [2]

Full  View Detail 1: White Avalokiteshvaa [top], White Tara in center, yellow Manjushri [left] and blue Vajrapani [right] Detail 2 Detail 3 Detail 4: White Ushnishavijaya [top] and yellow Manjushri [below] Detail 5: Red Amitayus [top] and blue Vajrapani [below] Detail 6: Red Amitabha [top] and white Avalokiteshvara [below] Detail 7: Four small Tara Medaillons Detail 8: Two Lokapalas Virudhaka [blue] and Dhritarashtra [red] Detail 9: Two Lokapalas Vaisravana / Kubera [yellow] and Virupaksa [red] Detail 10: Buddha Shakyamuni Detail 11: Three White Taras Detail 12: Buddha Shakyamuni and below two offering Godesses]

This very large [ 48 x 70.1 " - 122 x 178 cm !] thangka shows 1000 images of White Tara [Sanskrit: »Syamatârâ«, Tibetan: »sGrol ma ljang gu«]. One large representation is depicted in the center and 999 small. Fifteen other Taras surround the central image in a circle.

She is the embodiment of the activity of all Buddhas. She offers us a hand to lift us up to a mountain of enlightenment qualities. Tara belongs to the Karma family of unobstructed compassionate activity.

She is known as the »Swift One«, due to her immediate response to those who request her aid. Furthermore she is known as the »Great Liberator«, specializing in overcoming obstacles in whatever form they manifest in our lives. No deity in the Buddhist pantheon is more popular than Tara. She is especially known for her power to overcome the most difficult situations, giving protection against dangers and all kinds of fear

The total sum of 1000 Tara images symbolizes »Infinity«, the endless path to liberation or Nirvana. Yet when this huge number is added digit by digit, the total is only equal to »One«. This means all our merits accumulated life after life is leading us to one course, that is the purification of "Oneself." Thus Tara here is the deity or Boddhisattva who has gone through this "Infinity" and hereby guiding us towards "One" aim, which is Nirvana. Along the way, all dangers we encountered is warded off by her mercy and protection.

According to Tibetan Buddhists, the large number of Taras depicted increases their protective function for the owner of the scroll painting accordingly.

Structure of the painting

Measurements: 48 x 70.1" | 122 x 178 cm
Price: on request
Shipment: Parcel Service from Germany or Nepal
Color: Red Background
Material: Natural Stonecolors
High resolution: Display [3.8 MB, 2709 x 3681 px.]