The twenty-one forms of Tara mentioned in the Tara tantra:
- Red Nyurma Pamo [myur ma dpa' mo] for development of bodhichitta
- White Yangchenma [dbyangs can ma; Skt. Sarasvati] for knowledge and wisdom
- Slightly bluish Sonam Chokter [bsod nams mchog gter] for the force of merit
- White Tsuktor Namgyal [gtsug gtor rnam rgyal; Skt. Ushnishavijaya for long life
- Red / yellow Rikchema [rig byed ma; Skt. Kurukulla] for magnetizing people and wealth
- White / red Jikché Chenmo ['jigs byed chen mo] for destroying the power of harmful influences
- Black Shyenkyi Mitupma [gzhan gyis mi thub ma] for protection from hailstorms and lightning
- red / black Shyen Migyalwa [gzhan mi rgyal ba] for repelling blame
- White Sengdeng Nakkyi Drolma [seng ldeng nags kyi sgrol ma;] Skt.Khadiravani Tara] for protection from the eight great fears. [She is the main Tara, green in colour]
- Red Jikten Sumgyal ['jig rten gsum rgyal] to have power over the world
- Red / yellow Nor Terma [nor ster ma] for dispelling poverty and granting good fortune
- Red / yellow Tashi Dönché [bkra shis don byed] for the auspiciousness of children, fame and rain
- Red Drapung Jomma [dgra spung 'joms ma] for victory in war
- Red / black Tronyer Chendze [khro gnyer can mdzad; Skt. Bhr.kuti] for protection from spirits
- White Rabtu Shyiwa [rab tu zhi ba] for purifying harmful actions
- Red Barwé Öchen ['bar ba'i 'od can] for dispelling spells and negative effects
- Red / yellow Pakmé Nönam [dpag med gnon ma] for protection from robbers, thieves, animals and hunters
- White White Mabja Chenmo [rma bya chen mo] to protect from and neutralize poison
- White Mipam Gyalmo [mi pham rgyal mo] for protection from quarrels and bad dreams
- Red / yellow Ritröma [ri khrod ma] for protection from epidemics
- White Özer Chenma ['od zer can ma] for restoring the spirits and energies of sick people
- Amitabha, Buddha of infinite Light
- Six armed Mahakala
Color Background Version
Enumeration of all twenty-one Taras
Property | Value |
Measurements: | 18.5 x 24.8" | 47 x 63 cm |
Price: | on request |
Shipment: | Parcel Service from Germany or Nepal |
Color: | BlacK Background |
Material: | Natural Stone Colors |