Dharmapala Thangka CentreSchool of Thangka Painting

4.59 Eight Great Bodhisattvas

Full View Detail 1 Detail 2: White Tara Detail 3: Avalokiteshvara Avalokiteshvara Detail 5: Green Tara Detail 6: Vairocana & Akasargarbha Detail 7: Vajradhara & Akshobhya Detail 8: Amitabha & Amogasiddhi Detail 9: Vajrasattva & Akshobhya Detail 10: Kshitigarbha & Maitreya Detail 11: Vajrapani & Manjushri Detail 12: Avalokiteshvara & Hayagriva Detail 13: Tashi Tseye Wangmo [Queen of long life]

Bodhisattva literally meaning 'heroes of enlightenment', are courageous individuals who dedicate their entire being towards a single goal, i.e., to bring about the welfare of all sentient beings. It is said in Northern Buddhist schools that there are both mortal and celestial Boddhisattva.

A mortal Boddhisattva is one who has manifested him on earth in human [manushi] form, in a series of incarnations, until such a time as he has acquired sufficient merit and enlightenment [bodhi-jnana] to receive Buddhahood.

The Eight Great Bodhisattvas on this large Thangkas are:
01 Akasagarbha
02 Kshitigarbha
03 Vajrapani
04 Samantabhadra
05 Avalokiteshvara
06 Maitreya
07 Manjushri
08 Nivaranavishkambhin

Measurements: 65.4 x 32.3" | 166 x 82 cm
Price: on request
Shipment: Parcel Service from Germany or Nepal
Color: Color Version
Material: Natural Stone Colors
High resolution: Display [3.0 MB, 2846 x 3725 px.]