Dharmapala Thangka CentreOur Service

Our Services

Sale of our Website Thangkas

Our website contains currently 721 different thangkas. The vast majority of these images have been sold in recent years. Some of them are still available. Please ask us if you are interested in a specific thangka. If it is no longer available, you can order it in any size.

Sale of thangkas from our stock

Commissioned Work

You can order Thangkas from the website and custom order can also can also be done through the website. This also includes copies of old scroll paintings. Through a special process developed by us, the thangka can be smoked for antique touch. You can find examples of thangkas that’s smoked in the website. You will receive pictures in every 2-3 weeks from our painting workshop so that you can see the progress of your order. In addition, you can inform us if necessary changes are required.

Example of making a copy of a historic thangka ....

Conservation / Restoration of your Thangkas

If you own old Thangkas which you would like to restore, you can give us an appropriate order. Send us a photo of the picture with size details and we will make you an offer.

If the restoration is limited to color damage, we can complete the order without the involvement of third parties. In the case of textile damage, it may be necessary to place an additional order with an expert. These and other questions in connection with the restoration will be clarified together with you.

Examples of our thangka restorations you can find here.

Purchase of YOUR old thangkas or other Tibetan antiques

Should you own old thangkas or other Tibetan antiques and like to sell them, so please send us pictures with dimensions and price ideas. We will then contact you shortly.

Sale of old thangkas or other Tibetan Antiques

If you are interested in old thangkas or other tib. antiques you can find our current offers here.

Description of Thangkas

If you have a scrolling picture of which you do not know what is shown on it, please send us a picture. We will then check the content and send you a short summary for smaller formats. This service is free of charge for you.

Larger formats or more detailed descriptions are also free of charge but we ask for an appropriate donation for the German Children Care Organization 'Kinderhilfe Nepal'.

Thangka Painting Lessons

You have the opportunity to attend three different courses at our painting school in Kathmandu in which you can learn the basics of thangka painting in theory and practice. The course lasts one, three or twelve months.

You will receive an individual personal training at any time.

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Buddhist Project Service Outside Thangkas

The Dharmapa Thangka Centre has in the last 20 years, beyond the thangka area internationally and nationally several projects supervised in which Tibetan sacred art played a decisive role.

Here you can find a list of completed projects. If you are planning something similar in your country, please contact us so that we can clarify whether we can support you

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