Dharmapala Thangka CentreSchool of Thangka Painting

Dharmapala Courses

Types of available courses

Basic course - 1 month

You will get a glimpse of Tibetan Buddhist Art Philosophy in one topic related to buddhism. Introduction to thangka painting and history

Extended course - 3 months

Basic buddhist philosophy

Thangka painting technique and its history, purpose.

We will dive even deeper into the subject

Advance course - 1 year

This workshops includes above course in-depth study in Tibetan Buddhism.

Training thangka painting based in Sustra, Shastra, and also Science of thangka painting


The three different courses cost only relatively fees in per day Basis: i.e. US $ 30 - $ 25 - $ 20] per Day [1 Month, 3 Months, 1 Year] which include only working days [Excluding Saturdays, Public and Government Holidays]

The fees are to be paid at the beginning of the course and then 25days in advance.

The prices include all necessary materials [paint, canvas, brush] in addition to the training.

If you want to finish course 2 or 3 prematurely after some time there is no obligation to pay the full course price. In this case you will only be charged for each month started.


We are happy to arrange reasonably priced accommodation for you in Kathmandu.


The language of instruction is English.


Apart from this technique, knowledge of Tibetan iconography is another prerequisite for students of thangka painting. These contents are also taught in the courses.

The success of the training also depends on whether you already have previous knowledge in the art of painting. If you have never held a brush in your hand before, you will have a hard time in the beginning.